Enhanced Edition
ME830 C51 Development board,MCU Development board
Source on baord:
1, 16 smd highlight leds display .
2, 8 Seven-segment display,0.8inch.
3, Interface for LCD1602
4, Interface for LCD 128*64 dot matrix
5, DS18B20 temperature sensor
6, PS/2 interface.
7, 4*4 matrix keyboard input.
8, 8 alone key input.
9, DS1302 real-timer
11, AT93C46(Microwire EEPROM)
12, PCF8591 chip (AD/DA, 4 ADC ,1 DAC)
13, Step motor driver
14, 1 relay
15, 1 beep
16, IR receive header
17, max232 (UART level convert)
18, DC input (5 or 12 by jmuper)
19, All IO pin lead out.
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