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Home » Chip Center » YS-01 Chip for ND900/CN900
YS-01 Chip for ND900/CN900
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Item No. P66
Item Weight: 0.001Kg
MOQ: 1 Unit(s)

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YS-01 Chip, which is developed by us, can replace all the functions of Texas TRP-B9WK TRP-R9WK chips. It's the same size and shape as B9WK. R9WK chip, but YS-01 chip is Multi-Time Prograromable, can be written hundreds of thousands of times.

Compared with EH2 chip. YS-01 chip needn't battery, more convenient

Compared with TPX1.TPX2, YS-01 chip is not long galss, just small size carbon chip, easier to use
YS-01 Chip, is ususally used to copy 4C and 4D chips working with our ND900 Programmer.
More , YS-01 Chip can start the engine directly after copying , no need to be programmed via OBD. And we will also develop the function of copying ID46 Chip afterwards. So it has been widely popular in the market because of it's powerful and practical function
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